Learning an instrument takes focus and patience, something our littlest learners have not yet developed. It also takes teachers who understand child development and have a pocket-full of fabulous tools to engage even the most rambunctious kiddo. Our Lessons for Young Learners is a 12-week class geared toward the 3.5-5 year old child who is interested in music. We spend 45 minutes each week learning about rhythm, note names while playing musical games and activities. Movement and art breaks are incorporated with each class to allow everyone to take a breath and re-engage in learning. Children are invited to re-enroll after the 12 weeks, or once 5 years old, move on to the piano classes for 5-13 year olds (at Director's discretion ).
Please note: SUmmer 2024 class term is 6 weeks, beginning the week of June 10.
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info@themerakicenter.org 508-916-6195
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